Kathryn E. Lloyd

Web Developer

< My Projects />

Colombo 7 Cinnamon Gardens Small-Screen Preview
COLOMBO 7 Cinnamon Gardens

A beautiful Sri Lankan takeaway operating out of a coffee shop's kitchen, Colombo 7 Cinnamon Gardens is my first official (paying) client. Their design as featured is simplistic yet responsive and features two navigation formats dependent upon screen size.




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The Incredibles Project Preview
My Very First Website

After a short 3-week introduction to coding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with SheCodes, each student was tasked to create a website on a particular topic with some specific elements and basic functionality. This was mine.
(P.S. try the game!)




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Weather App Project
Weather App

For the second and third course with SheCodes, the projects were to create a working weather app that displayed live data from Open Weather Map. Interactive and informative featuring the user's current date, time and location in both Vanilla JavaScript and React.





Go to Vanilla Website Go to React Website
Jake Denton - Game Designer Small-Screen Preview
Jake Denton - Game Designer

A wonderful friend, brilliant game designer, graduate from Brunel University London and my personal freelance photoshop editor. This portfolio contains a mixture of YouTube videos, original and Photoshop-edited pictures in addition to Bootstrap carousels and image-hover functions.




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Weather App Project
Weather App

For the second and third course with SheCodes, the projects were to create a working weather app that displayed live data from Open Weather Map. Interactive and informative featuring the user's current date, time and location in both Vanilla JavaScript and React.





< About Me />

My Face

I’m a friendly and enthusiastic -year-old living near Brighton, England who started one little introduction to coding course on a whim and then became completely hooked. Aside from my now deep obsession with front-end development and, in what little free time I do have, I love to spend my days travelling, drinking coffee, playing roller derby and learning new things – just not all at the same time!

My Future

More coding (I might be slightly obsessed now). I hope my future sees me designing and developing websites full-time and have already started working towards this with a few commissions from friends including Colombo 7 Cinnamon Gardens and Jake Denton - Game Designer (both featured above). I’m also looking to further my professional development through additional courses and research into:

  • Web Design
  • PHP
  • WordPress

If you haven’t already, please see ‘My Projects’ above for more examples of my work or visit my GitHub profile via the linked icon below.

< Contact Me />

Let's make something new!